This decision to run was not taken lightly, as it is a significant time commitment for a volunteer position. Given that I no longer have children in the school system, it was a bit surprising to me that the community asked that I consider the role. However, after face to face meetings with:
Three D38 Superintendents
Two D38 High School principals
Two Student body teams (on from each High School)
Three board members
Multiple D38 teachers
Charter school advocates
Retired, fixed-income individuals
Retired D38 faculty
Home school families
School board members, administrators, and teachers from Florida, Alaska and Northern California and other parts of Colorado
… it became clear that I can make an impact and deliver lasting results in solving some of the challenges D38 faces.
Quality graduates = Quality contributors to our Community and Country.
Ron's bottom line... is to keep doing what works well, fix what isn’t, and to build and execute on a plan that gives the district the capacity to be successful well into the future… as the students’ success is our future.